Monday, June 25, 2012

Here Comes the Sun

Madd here!
The moment we stepped off of the train from Paris to Lyon we knew we had fallen in love (once again) with another European city. The sun is even warmer here than it had been in Paris, and Maggie's tan from her Tom's is more prominent than ever-haha.

We had a little detour from our metro stop to the hostel, however, and spent a solid hour wandering around a city we knew absolutely nothing about (did I mention we were wearing our 15 lbs backpacks?) Ohhh goodness, it's laughable now of course. I guess I just had no idea that when we began this journey that it would be a lot of map reading, getting lost, guessing, and facing fears. Maggie tried to lift my spirits as we were lost and our shirts collected sweaty moisture by reminding me that this was an adventure. I hadn't had a lot of coffee that morning, so I was less than enthusiastic you could say, but I knew she was absolutely correct. I wouldn't change a thing.

Lyon is stunning, and I am continually amazed by just how much each city has to offer. A unique flavor. We ended up in Lyon because 2 months ago I googled major cities in France and this one sounded good and had pretty rooftops. That was the extent of the planning for Lyon. But don't fret, there is much more to Lyon than pretty rooftops (though they are lovely).

There are DELICIOUS pastries. Maggie tried a brioche praline pastry today (I got an apple pastry), and they were some of the best we've had. We sat and enjoyed our treat and did some shopping in "Vieux Lyon," which is an adorable part of town that looked more like what I imagine Italy looks like.

We enjoyed the shopping around Lyon very much and have met some incredibly kind French people. We've found that as long as you make an effort to speak French (even beginner level) they respond warmly, a surprise we welcomed immediately.

It's been a wonderful few days in France. Walking down the Champs Élysées humming U2's "City of Blinding Lights," relaxing in Lyon's hot sun, munching on croissant's, and learning each day. God has been so good to us on this trip, and providing timing for us that can't be explained away because it's too perfect. Trust me. I hardly know anything when I wake up, but slowly, the Lord's been showing me that it really doesn't matter because to put it simply: He does.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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