Monday, June 11, 2012

We saw the sun!

It didn't rain AT ALL today. No drizzle. No drops. Hardly even a dark cloud in the sky. I wore shorts. Madeline never put on her coat. It was amazing. We know it won't last, but it's nice to know this part of the world gets at least some sunlight.

We've found a few things out about Liverpool in just one day.

1. It is not a lucky place for us, but it always gives it back in some way. So maybe it is lucky after all. I always attribute my luck to my dad, he's the luckiest person I know.

2. The city makes no sense. We can't define it. It has a small town feel with a big city attitude. It has new modern buildings with serious shopping next to buildings from 500+ years ago. It has a Chinatown neighborhood with an Irish pub. Wikipedia says one of its nicknames is "the world in one city" or something along those lines. And that fits better than anything we've come up with. There are signs suggesting you tweet #itsliverpool. So our running joke when we can't explain something is to say, "it's Liverpool!"

3. It attracts so many different types of people. And we have no idea why. The weather isn't great. The Beatles story is cheesy. And there isn't much else to do. Maybe the night life is great? Maybe because it's relatively cheap? We're not sure, but when I get back I'm going to read all about it and figure it out!

4. The museums are aimed towards kids. Now this is great, but for two young adults looking for something to do in the afternoon, walking into a museum filled with parents and kids under 12 is awkward and slightly embarrassing. Needless to say we did a lot of aimless wandering. But when it's sunny, who cares?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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