Sunday, June 10, 2012

Oh good, seagulls.

Liverpool, in only 12 hours, has been an adventure to say the least.

We left London on a 7am train. Before we could even get that far, Madeline lost our key card to the hostel. We have no idea how it happened, it simply disappeared. And that was a solid indicator as to how the day would go. Once on the train we realized check in time in Liverpool wasn't until 2pm...great planning. So we sat at the freezing cold train station for 4 hours reading, but we did eat another pasty which had become our favorite meal when we can splurge on it! Except Madeline burned her mouth badly on the pasty and has a huge sore. But the day continued on.

For the afternoon we headed to the Beatles story museum. I'm not sure there is a chincey-er museum, if you can call it that, in all of England. But we had a good time poking fun! We definitely do NOT recommend it.

The Liverpool museum also had a Beatles tribute, with only about 10 display cases. Luckily the museum was free! But something had to go wrong, and this time we left the camera in the bathroom. So we sprinted back and fortunately someone had turned it in. No harm, no foul Mom!

The troubles were not over yet though. When we returned to the hostel we saw an old man who looked like Charles Manson roaming around and we laughed and hoped he wasn't in our 8 person room. But of course, he was. I was in the shower when he came in and Madeline bolted into the bathroom and said we needed to change rooms. I didn't disagree, he was quite creepy. And luck was on our side yet again because they had 2 beds in a 4 person room available, and the upgrade only cost £2!!

Now we're laughing hysterically about the whole day because what else is there to do? We miss our London hostel and it's familiar people and routine, but we're glad to be moving on with our trip!

One week down, four to go!


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my iPhone

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